Contact Us

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2 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. First and foremost, please excuse my ignorance. I have been a supporter since I was knee cap high. Joined the Marine Corps / still serving (25 years). Grew up in Bakersfield / transplanted to NorCal Bay Area (Castro Valley). Several years ago on the club’s world page was a link for the BHC and listed where they were from / addresses to current institutional holdings and means to add money to books etc. Not sure if that was taken down or what have you. If you have a brother(s) from California that need some love -please let me know how I may support. I am an Infantryman and have been in some shitholes around the world. I truly appreciate and understand the value of a genuine hand-written note! Please let me know if there is someone I may assist.
    Wesley L. Misenhimer
    Sergeant Major USMC
    12th Marine Regiment

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